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The Acoustics of Ancient Greek Theaters

The Acoustics of Ancient Greek Theaters

The sound quality in ancient times was likely much better than it is today

The acoustics of theaters in Ancient Greece are very important. It is often said that the acoustics of ancient Greek theaters were so sophisticated that spectators in the back row could hear the actors with perfect clarity, long before microphones came into the picture. In modern times, tour guides will often drop a pin, strike a match, or tear a piece of paper on the stages of these ancient auditoriums to demonstrate that soft sounds can be heard by visitors high up in the seats. But as Nicola Davis reports for the Guardian, a recent study suggests that Greek theaters’ acoustics are not quite so exemplary—at least not anymore. (more…)

Ceramic Art in Greece

Ceramic Art in Greece

Ceramic art (or pottery) marks ages and millennia.

Ceramic art is lost in prehistoric times, flourishing during Greek antiquity in an inspired exuberance of shapes, colors, and forms. Storage jars, amphorae, kraters, jugs, and lekythos reflect the daily habits and traditions of the society. Pottery represents the numerous objects of the same category found in any archaeological excavation.

In the modern era, new morphological and technical characteristics have been added to ceramic art in the manufacture of ceramics. Clay jars helped to store the crop. Pitchers and flasks were used for liquids and pots and cooking dishes as tableware. (more…)

Athens for Shopping Lovers

Athens for Shopping Lovers

Whatever type of shopping you prefer, Athens won’t let you down.

The city’s best shopping areas are there for you to explore… Love to go shoe shopping? Love eco-friendly products? Want to find everything you need in a single store? Do you seek items of luxury and high aesthetics when you go shopping? Do you look for ‘treasures’ from old times, works of art in out-of-the-way places, or original materials for your creations?



Ermou Street


Anthesteria a passage rite from death to life

Anthesteria a passage rite from death to life

At the Gates of Spring-Anthesteria
Winter to Spring: coming into being from the sacred silence of grief

Anthesteria – Winter with its seemingly lifeless, unadorned nature, with its black and white background of gloomy skies or snowy motionless landscapes, bordering on underworld connotations, always loomed large to the minds of ancient cultures. Though some cultures were more preoccupied with death, the ancient Greeks were more preoccupied with life. Their inquiring minds, to cast the souls of the dead out, thought of winter as the start of spring, as the time of rebirthing, of rejoicing, of breaking the spell of death, of purifying it with life through communal memorial rites and rituals of offerings, of drinking, of purifications and libations.

anthesteria (more…)

Tsipouro, ouzo, tsikoudia

Tsipouro, ouzo, tsikoudia

We all know ouzo. The famous Greek drink that turns white when mixed with a little water or poured over ice. Traditionally, ouzo is both a welcoming drink and after-dinner digestive. But ouzo is not the only aperitif offered in Greece. Tsipouro! Or, tsikoudia – or raki – (on Crete!) is also associated with hospitality and good company.

All these alcoholic beverages look alike and complement a delicious array of appetizers. But they are not the same. They differ in raw materials and the way they are made. They are also different in taste and flavor.
Ouzo is a mixture of alcohol, water, and various aromatic herbs, always including anise. In contrast to tsipouro, ouzo usually contains a small percentage of grape distillation. The final product is 40 to 50 ABV.

Tsipouro or tsikoudia is about the same, prepared – by distillation – and from the same raw material. Stemfyla (grape marc) are pieces of grapes, stems, and seeds that are left after pressing the grapes for the new wine. Also called strafyla or tsipoura, and on Crete, tsikouda. Tsipouro, however, contains anise, while raki does not. (more…)

Ancient Greek Technology

Ancient Greek Technology

From Europe’s earliest alarm clock to the world’s first robot, Athens’ newest museum features over 100 working models of ancient Greek inventions.

Ancient Greek Technology is amazing! One of the first alarm clocks ever created relied on the water – although not, as you might think, to splash the sleepy user into wakefulness. Invented in the 5th century by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, it bore little resemblance to today’s clocks, being about as tall as an adult person and featuring large clay pots, one suspended above the other. Water from one pot would drip out of a small hole in the bottom, slowly filling a second. This pot was cleverly equipped with a siphon, meaning that once the water reached a certain level, all of it would pour out at once into a third pot. This one had narrow openings that would create a loud whistling sound as the air inside was pushed out by the sudden inflow of water.

greek technonology
 I would have certainly found that piece of information fascinating enough had I read it in a book, but after having seen a working replica up close, I will certainly remember it forever. “In how much time would you like Plato to wake up?” I am playfully asked by Kostas Kotsanas, the founder of the Museum of Ancient Greek Technology which opened just this month in the center of Athens. He sets the ‘timer’ accordingly and in two minutes a deafening whistle rouses us from our idle study of this unusual contraption.


Kotsanas has created a thoroughly impressive body of work in his efforts to study and popularize the technological prowess and ingenuity of the ancient Greeks. In total he has brought to life roughly 500 devices that represent the cutting edge of ancient Greek technology – these are fully functional, life-sized replicas of ancient Greek innovations.

greek technonology


Made with the same methods and materials as the originals, many of these devices have already traveled across the globe as parts of temporary exhibitions hosted at important museums, institutions, and universities. In Greece, Kotsanas has founded two museums, the Museum of Ancient Greek Technology in Katakolo on the western coast of the Peloponnese, and the Archimedes Museum in Ancient Olympia.

Now the Athens museum brings many of these inventions to the Greek capital. Here, one can see over 100 devices; even today many seem cutting-edge or even futuristic. They are arranged in 24 different categories, such as Telecommunications, Steam Power, and Computation – including even Automatic Navigation and Robotics.

greek technonology


greek technonology


Ancient Greek Technology AN INSPIRED ‘RE-INVENTOR’

Kotsanas himself studied at the University of Patras, in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics. He began studying ancient Greek writings at the recommendation of a professor of his, Andreas Dimarogonas, himself an important figure in the field of mechanical design and vibrations. And so from his student days, he began creating with his own hands – as he still does today – ancient elevators, clocks, odometers, and games – exactly as they are described in ancient texts.“The ancient Greeks had the same needs as us. They didn’t just invent catapults that were needed for campaigns, but also objects that were used simply for entertainment,” Kotsanas explains right before I see what he means with my own eyes.“Wine or water?” a 3rd century BC waitress would ask. The metal jug that she held would ‘hear’ the answer and deliver the desired drink. How? The container had two chambers and two air openings. By subtly blocking one opening or the other with her thumb, she could determine which drink would pour out of the jug.

greek technonology


Its inventor, Philo of Byzantium (3rd century BC), however, did not stop there. He created the world’s first robot – a human-shaped contraption that would dispense wine when a cup was placed in its hand – which was once placed in the market of Alexandria. Automatic vending machines dispensing blessings were also placed outside of certain temples, as described in the writings of Hero of Alexandria in the 1st century AD.

Hero of Alexandria also refers to a progenitor of today’s TV sets, dating to the 3rd century BC, which operated with mobile miniature objects, sound, and light – a replica of this also exists in the museum. “You could watch, let’s say, the soap opera of the time which was the Trojan War,” I am told by Kotsanas, who has a unique way of making the tour thoroughly entertaining.

greek technonology
greek technonology


At the museum, there is also a copy of the Antikythera Mechanism, the oldest known analog computer. The original device has already been the subject of many museum exhibitions, but here visitors can turn the mechanism and work out for themselves the movements of the planets, the Zodiac cycle, and mobile feast days of the ancient Greeks.

Other impressive inventions include the complex mechanism that was hidden underground in the courtyards of temples to create a ‘miracle’ whenever a sacrifice was made at the altar; the flying dove of Archytas (the first autonomous flying machine); an ancient firefighting pump, functionally the same as those used up until about a century ago; different medical tools; kitchen gadgets and more.

greek technonology


An additional floor of the museum will soon open to the public and is dedicated to ancient musical instruments, with exhibits such as replicas of the first piano and the first drum set in the world. The museum is also planning to create temporary exhibitions around different themes such as ancient games and toys. And in the small gift shop, you will find great brain-stimulating games and puzzles for young and old.

To find the museum, housed in a tall Art Nouveau building on Pindarou Street, keep an eye out for a discreet sculpture with birds that sing – yet another ancient invention. Head in, and if you don’t run into Kostas Kotsanas, you will find one of his sons – Giorgos, Panayiotis, and Marios who have picked up their father’s passion and are continuing his lifelong work.


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